
It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them. -Leo Buscaglia YES!! There is a vital connection between play and learning! I enjoy teaching students through play. Kids certainly learn more and retain the information better when they are having fun learning! Unstructured play is important to develop imagination, creativity and many other great qualities. As an educator or parent, also consider using structured learning games. You create the objectives and know what you want the student to achieve, and choose or design a game based on that. Remember to keep it lighthearted and fun! You will be amazed at the improved motivation and how much is learned in a much shorter time!
Mistakes are how you learn... It’s so important for students to be provided a supportive environment where they feel comfortable making mistakes. No matter how brilliant a child is…mistakes are going to happen. Students should be given encouragement and guidance to help them feel confident despite mistakes. Ideally, students should see mistakes as opportunities to learn something new. Every child is different. Some take mistakes too seriously and sometimes even see them as a reflection of their own self worth. Students should know that their teacher believes in them and knows they are able to overcome challenges. Some children may need a different approach. Perhaps the material is too complex or they are not interested in that topic. Providing choices, learning games or approaching the topic in a new way may help increase motivation. Some students that act like they don’t care may also be the very ones that care so much that they have become overwhelmed and have shut down. Also, it i

Getting Ready for Kindergarten

Are you wondering how to get your child ready for kindergarten? This article will give you useful tips and tricks to start the process. When you think about kindergarten, the first thing that comes to mind is probably the ABC's and the 123's. However, even more important, are the softskills that will help your child to thrive in kindergarten. 1. Help your child practice 2-3 step directions. When they are in school, they will hear things like, "Go to your cubby, get your book, and bring it to the carpet." The more practice they get at home, the more prepared they will be for school. 2. Another great thing to practice at home is focusing on one activity such as an art project or helping in the kitchen for 15-20 minutes without interruption. Once in school, students will need to be able to focus on their work. 3. In addition, students will have certain times where they are working independently. Try to gradually decrease the amount of time you are helping them whil