Mistakes are how you learn... It’s so important for students to be provided a supportive environment where they feel comfortable making mistakes. No matter how brilliant a child is…mistakes are going to happen. Students should be given encouragement and guidance to help them feel confident despite mistakes. Ideally, students should see mistakes as opportunities to learn something new. Every child is different. Some take mistakes too seriously and sometimes even see them as a reflection of their own self worth. Students should know that their teacher believes in them and knows they are able to overcome challenges. Some children may need a different approach. Perhaps the material is too complex or they are not interested in that topic. Providing choices, learning games or approaching the topic in a new way may help increase motivation. Some students that act like they don’t care may also be the very ones that care so much that they have become overwhelmed and have shut down. Also, it is important for children to see adults make mistakes so they know that it is not only normal but expected. Learning from mistakes helps to build resilience and persistence which is something we all need.


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