How to Travel with Kids

Photo by Derek Thomson on Unsplash

The summer of 2022 is going to be huge for travelers! After staying home for the pandemic, people are restless and ready to go places. I wholeheartedly believe in giving kids new experiences and adventures. Encountering new vocabulary, historical places, and works of art encourage abstract thinking, creativity, and can improve comprehension!

 Here are my top tips to make traveling with your kids a little easier.

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

If you and your family are planning a trip that involves flying this summer, be aware that this is the summer of "revenge travel." After being cooped up for two years, families are traveling in record numbers. However, the airlines (and the weather) are not quite ready for the onslaught of travelers. Be prepared for canceled or delayed flights and long waits at the airport. You may even have a long wait after boarding the plane, as I did on a recent flight. We were told that the plane could not take off due to migratory turtles blocking the runway, so we sat in a stuffy plane for 2 hours to wait for them to cross. I love all animals and I'm glad that we waited for them, but I'm not saying that I was comfortable. This was an unusual experience, but it just goes to show that traveling can be unpredictable, so be prepared for anything. 

My first tip for flying, is to make sure kids have plenty of snacks, games, music, videos, books, or other entertainment for the trip. (I'm a big fan of learning games!). My next tip is to get to the airport early. Check-in may take a long time, especially if you have strollers, diaper bags, etc. The less you feel rushed, the less stressed out you will be. I recommend either buying some bottled water at the gift shop after the TSA check-in or bringing empty water bottles to fill from the drinking fountain. It may be a while before you get the airplane drink service and kids get thirsty too! You may need to be in the airport or on the plane much longer than expected. Also, because of this, give kids time to stretch and walk either at home or at the airport, as they may have to sit still for a long time. One more tip is to keep an eye on your child and make sure you, another adult, or an older child is in charge of making sure the little ones are all present and accounted for at all times.

Photo by Jake Blucker on Unsplash

ROAD TRIP! Some of you may opt for a journey a little closer to home and avoid the crowded airports by taking the car. My first tip for car travel is the same as for air travel. Make sure you have plenty of snacks, games, books, and entertainment for the kids. My second tip is to leave plenty of time for traveling. Enjoy the journey! Take stops along the way to see the views, recreation areas, or have a meal. The beauty of traveling by car is that you are in control. Speaking of control, allow kids to make some choices about your trip. It will help build decision-making skills and self-confidence.

Photo by dylan nolte on Unsplash

Wherever you go, I hope you enjoy your vacation! Please comment to share any tips you have about traveling this summer. Also, I love vacation photos!! Stay safe and enjoy your trip!


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